Free Consultation

Without any financial obligation or paperwork to fill out, a free consultation is a great way to explore and begin building an alliance. Through a free 15 minute phone consultation, you have a chance to ask questions, learn more about counseling, and decide if this is the counseling fit you are looking for. While the free consultation isn’t a counseling session*, you are welcome to share as much or a little as you feel comfortable. After the consultation, of us do not believe our alliance is not the best for you, referrals for additional support services will be offered that may help you in finding a better match for you to reach your goals.

For your free no obligation consultation or to obtain additional information about any of the counseling services available don't hesitate to reach out, I'll be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

*This is a consult only to make an informed decision in choosing a counselor that is right for you.


Kristy Palacios, LPC
Phone: (720) 800-1010
Email: [email protected] 

Reminder: Email and text message communication are not secure forms of communication

We are committed to your privacy. Do not include confidential or private information regarding your health condition in this form or any other form found on this website. This form is for general questions or messages to the practitioner.